"I would never have met Adam if I had stayed rigid to a certain age bracket or a two-hour radius! I would encourage people to be open-minded: you never know what God has in store for you!" - Suzie and Adam, one of our success stories.

If you're scrolling through our Discover page and feeling a little overwhelmed by choice, you may be wondering how to narrow down your results.

To do this, just select filters at the top of the page and you'll be able to  adjust who you see based on options such as age, location and faith tradition. Some of these options are only available to members with a full subscription.

When selecting filter options, we recommend adding them one at a time and reviewing your results. Many of our successful couples let us know that they wouldn't have met if they were too rigid about who they were looking for! We don't require our members to answer every profile question, so you could be narrowing out someone perfect for you by using these filters!