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Article suggestions
Featured articles
3 articles
I forgot my password
Why should I pay to use Christian Connection?
How can I contact you?
The Christian Connection Service
12 articles
Why should I pay to use Christian Connection?
How is Christian Connection different?
I'm disappointed and wish to make a complaint
Which countries are you in?
Can I message someone in another country?
What happens when I press the heart icon? ♡
How do we define “Christian”?
Is Christian Connection open to LGBTQ people?
View all articles in “The Christian Connection Service”
Logging On
5 articles
I forgot my password
Why do I sometimes need an access code to log in?
How do I use Private Browsing or Incognito Mode?
How do I confirm my email address?
I can't log in with my email address, or need to change it.
Your Profile & Photos
18 articles
How do I stop other members seeing when I've viewed their profile?
How do I hide my profile to make it invisible?
How can I stop a member from appearing in my searches?
How do I unhide someone?
Do I have to answer all the profile questions?
How do I use the Discover filters?
What kind of photos should I add to my profile?
Can I change my username?
View all articles in “Your Profile & Photos”
Membership & Subscriptions
14 articles
How much does Christian Connection cost to join?
How can I cancel my full subscription membership?
How do I close my account?
Can I get a refund?
In what circumstances could membership be refused or cancelled?
What happens to my membership after it expires?
When does my membership expire?
Why have I been charged again?
View all articles in “Membership & Subscriptions”
20 articles
How do I stop getting email notifications?
What is a Wave?
Why didn't I receive a new message notification?
Why has no one replied to my messages?
Where's my new message?
Why do I get "New message" notification email after my membership has expired?
Where is the "Seen at" time on messages?
Why are emails to my BT email address undeliverable?
View all articles in “Messages”
Christian Connection App
2 articles
How can I cancel my App Store Subscription?
Where can I download the Christian Connection App?
3 articles
What are Meetups?
How can I set up an Online Meetup?
What events do you run?
Privacy, Safety & Security
10 articles
What can I do to protect my privacy and security on Christian Connection?
How am I protected from people who may try to misuse this website?
How do I block someone?
Safety Online and Offline with Christian Connection
Meeting up - Safety advice for dating
Why is the Christian Connection site being blocked?
How can I set up online parental controls?
Someone has asked me for money. What should I do?
View all articles in “Privacy, Safety & Security”